2016年8月20日 星期六

The Liverpool Paramount Disaster

This project developer is Pinnacle (PA), whose holding company is Mason & Vaughan Group Ltd.  PA has a number of affiliate companies including Pinnacle MC Global Network,  Pinnacle Alliance and Hollinberry Estates, formerly named as Harper Brooks (UK).

This building was first launch in Hong Kong in July 2013, during which neither the freehold nor the planning permission belongs to PA. It only legally purchased both the freehold and planning permission on 18 Nov 2013, which was not a very decent business practice to start with.

PHD1 (07458065) the construction company dissolved on March 3, 2015 but PA has never informed buyers about this fact, but still use it for construction work and kept it from buyers until Feb 26, 2016, almost a year later. PA is really not trustworthy.

Apart from the Paramount, there are also other projects of PA running into similar situations including Liverpool Quadrant, Spectrum Apartments in Sheffield and Angelgate in Manchester. Most of the projects receive letters with similar content and exactly same request from PA within the same week!

To be united, Paramount Buyers please contact: Paramount.buyersgp@outlook.com